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What is the one true God of heaven and earth like? Is He far away from His creation, reluctant to hear and respond to those who call out to Him? Or is He near, ready to hear and answer people when they cry out for deliverance?

The answer, of course, is that God is always close, ready to save those who call on Him in true faith (see Ex. 22:22–23; 2 Chron. 7:14; Ps. 139). This truth is found throughout Scripture, but we see it particularly in Luke 18–19, the chapters that will be the focus this month in our continuing study of Luke’s gospel.

Luke 18–19 narrates the final approach of Jesus to Jerusalem and His triumphal entry into the city on His way to His atoning death and His resurrection. We will read of Jesus’ teaching on God’s granting justice to His elect when they cry out, God’s mercy on those who confess their sins, Christ’s healing of the blind man at Jericho and forgiveness of Zacchaeus, the cleansing of the temple, and more.

Encountering Jesus changed Zacchaeus’ life forever. We will look at other important meetings between Jesus and various individuals with the help of Dr. R.C. Sproul’s teaching series Face to Face with Jesus.

These verses parallel the themes of the studies each week. We encourage you to hide them in your heart so that you may not sin against the Lord:

Abiding in the Word
  • Luke 18:27
  • 2 Corinthians 7:10
  • John 4:10
  • Psalm 124:8

    Trusting God When Times Are Tough

    Not Losing Heart in Prayer

    Keep Reading Biblical Archaeology

    From the September 2023 Issue
    Sep 2023 Issue