
Why is it important to understand God’s triune nature? In this video, Dr. Michael Reeves describes how God’s triune nature distinguishes the living God from idols.


It’s critical for Christians to understand God’s triune nature because God’s triune nature distinguishes the living God from idols. So, knowing God as Trinity is not some nice little extra to add on to knowing God. It is knowing the true God.

In John 20 :31, John writes that he’s written these things “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,” and that you might believe in Him. And that invitation to faith in Jesus is an invitation to a triune God. That Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed One, the One who is the Son of God. God is His Father.

If you don’t know through Christ the God who is Father, Son, and Spirit, you’re knowing a different god. You won’t know the true glory of the living God and you won’t understand the gospel. The supreme benefit of the gospel is adoption, being children of God, and that’s not possible with a God who’s not a Father, Son, and Spirit.

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