
What should you do if you feel stuck in your prayer life? In this video, Dr. Michael Reeves emphasizes Scripture as the key to revitalizing a confident prayer life.

If you feel stuck in your prayer life, you’d like to grow, but it’s somehow not going anywhere; the first question I’d want to ask is, “Do you understand that sinners are justified by faith alone and by simple trust in coming to Jesus for salvation? Rather than relying in any way on your own goodness and performance, do you realize that is the way to have boldness before God?”

If you are in any way unsure on that, you will be unsure in your prayer life, and so you will feel stuck. So my first recommendation is read Romans, read Galatians, read some books on justification so that you can be clear on how you could have a confident prayer life.

The next thing I’d say is that in Romans 10, Paul says, “Faith comes from hearing the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17). And so, if you are finding yourself stuck in prayer, hear the Word of God. Read Scripture, because it is the divine truth of Scripture that awakens faith. And prayer is simply faith, talking; faith articulating itself. And therefore, feed on Scripture and it will give you the food that will fuel prayer.

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