

March 2025

How Can Christians Overcome Fear in Evangelism?

In this video, Dr. Michael Reeves explains that Christian evangelism doesn’t depend on personal eloquence but on Scripture’s inherent power, encouraging believers to trust God’s Word rather than their own abilities when sharing the gospel.

So many Christians do feel inadequate in evangelism. And for anyone who’s feeling that, I’ve got great, good news, that you are not the power of God for salvation, and therefore the ability to do evangelism is not dependent on your talent, your knowledge, your ability to be able to communicate in a slick way. The power for life, for salvation is all found in the Word of God. Scripture is spoken about as a lamp to our feet, a light shining in a dark place. Our job is not to be the light itself, but to hold up the light and let the Word do its work. And so, if you’re feeling inadequate in evangelism, there’s something that can be healthy to say, “No.” The hope of sharing the gospel fruitfully with people is not to be found in my ability. Though of course, loving the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength means I will work to know Scripture better, to be able to communicate it clearly and effectively. But still the power of God is not found in my ability or even my education. It is found in Scripture. And therefore, for those who feel inadequate, read more of Scripture. Let it prove itself to you as the very power of God, and then you’ll be able to hold it out with much greater confidence to friends, family, those around you.

The Wholly Holy Love of God

Jochebed’s Trust in the Lord