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Nearly every page of the New Testament declares that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures. The incarnation of the Son of God, His active and passive obedience, His atoning death, His resurrection and ascension, and His work through the church to take the gospel to the ends of the earth can all be found prophesied throughout the Law and the Prophets.
This month as we finish our study of the gospel of Luke, our Lord’s fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures will be a special focus. We will begin the month with a series of studies on the atonement based on Dr. R.C. Sproul’s teaching series The Cross of Christ, which will help us understand the Old Testament background of the crucifixion. Then we will proceed to study Luke 23:47–24:53, which records for us the resurrection of Jesus and several of His postresurrection appearances wherein He explains His fulfillment of God’s promises.
God never fails to do what He has pledged, and Jesus’ resurrection is one of the clearest demonstrations of that. Let us worship the risen Savior today and always.
These verses parallel the themes of the studies each week. We encourage you to hide them in your heart so that you may not sin against the Lord:
Abiding in the Word
- Mark 10:45
- Isaiah 53:9
- Genesis 3:15
- Luke 24:44
- Acts 1:8