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Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and served as the mediator through whom God formally established the old covenant church. As momentous as that salvation was, a yet-greater redemption came about fifteen hundred years later when Jesus died to redeem us from sin and death, rose again for our justification, and poured out His Spirit on the new covenant church after His ascension.

In 2023, our Tabletalk daily Bible studies will focus on the life of Jesus and His inauguration of the new covenant as we look at the gospel of Luke. Written by the beloved physician who accompanied Paul during much of his ministry (see Col. 4:14), this gospel stands out for its focus on Jesus’ place in the history of redemption and the history of the world and for the way that it pays special attention to God’s care for the poor, women, and other people on the margins of first-century society. The theme of prayer is also important to Luke, as is Jesus’ role as the only Savior of the whole world.

This month we will walk through Luke 1–2 and its account of the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. The events recorded in these chapters changed human history forever.

These verses parallel the themes of the studies each week. We encourage you to hide them in your heart so that you may not sin against the Lord:

Abiding in the Word
  • Isaiah 9:6–7
  • Luke 1:50
  • Luke 2:13–14
  • 2 Timothy 2:15
  • Deuteronomy 30:6

    The State of Theology in 2022

    Taking Our Treasures to Heaven

    Keep Reading Peace

    From the January 2023 Issue
    Jan 2023 Issue