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2 Thessalonians 2:15
“So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.”
Besides the changes in worship and church government that the Reformation brought about, there was also a marked change in church architecture. During the medieval era, the altar was placed at the center of the chancel area in most churches because of the central place the celebration of the Eucharist held in the liturgy. But beginning with the Reformation, many Protestant churches moved the pulpit to the center, at times even elevating it to symbolize the fact that God’s people sit under the authority of His Word.
It is the power and authority of Scripture that the preacher is to stand firmly upon as he proclaims the gospel from the pulpit. He is not afraid to be certain of those things about which the Word of God is clear, a radical position in a postmodern age that loves uncertainty. The confidence and certainty with which the pastor sets forth the teaching of Scripture is not based in an arrogant trust in his own abilities but in the knowledge that the Bible is the very truth of the Lord. Such certainty enables the preacher to stand firm for the gospel and to equip his people to do the same in a hostile world. Martin Luther says that a preacher should never be afraid to “be sure of his doctrine” (Table Talk no. 397).
The greatest threat to the security of Israel under the old covenant was the false prophet who gave the people only what they wanted to hear (Jer. 28). The opposition that the clear proclamation of the gospel always produces can make it difficult to stand on the certainty of Scripture. To avoid suffering, a pastor (and lay people as well) can waffle on the core doctrines of the Christian faith, choosing to preach sermons that make people feel good rather than drive them to repentance and faith. But faithful preachers do not tickle the ears of their flock. They do not ride their own personal hobby-horses or make entertainment the goal of their ministries. Instead, they preach the truth, no matter how unpopular this may be in our relativistic culture.
Uncertainty in matters about which Scripture is clear is a poison that can affect people for eternity. May our preachers always stand firmly on God’s inerrant Word. And may we be encouraged to do the same.
Coram Deo Living before the face of God
It is hard to be a Christian in a culture that says the only certainty is that there is no certainty. We have a universal gospel that demands allegiance from all people without exception, and we must be clear on this as the relativism around us tries desperately to make us uncertain about the exclusivity of Christ. Pray that you will stand firm for the certainty that salvation is available only in Jesus (John 14:6), and flee any “church” that would try to tell you otherwise.
For Further Study
- Psalm 11
- Jeremiah 23:23–40
- Matthew 21:23–27
- Luke 1:1–4