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Treatises on the Sacraments by John Calvin

John Calvin’s writings on the meaning and mode of the sacraments continues to bless the church today. This work collects some of Calvin’s key tracts on baptism and the Lord’s Supper, wherein the Reformer provides a biblical and logical look at these means of grace. It is highly recommended for all who want to better understand exactly what is going on in the sacraments that Christ has given to His church.

Baptism: Answers to Common Questions by Guy M. Richard

What is the meaning of baptism? Why do we baptize infants as well as adult believers? Should we immerse, pour, or sprinkle? These and other common questions about baptism are addressed in this helpful work by Dr. Guy Richard.

The Lord’s Supper: Answers to Common Questions Keith A. Mathison

Christians disagree over how to understand the Lord’s Supper. This book answers common questions about this sacrament, helping believers to pursue biblical unity on the supper.

Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow by R.C. Sproul

In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul offers biblical guidance on two means of grace—Bible study and prayer—as well as other vital elements of the Christian life such as service, stewardship, and worship.

Scripture Alone by R.C. Sproul

This volume collects some of Dr. R.C. Sproul’s most important writings on the doctrine of Scripture, including essays on inerrancy, the canon of Scripture, and the Spirit’s illumination of Scripture.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The High Priest We Have

Keep Reading The Ordinary Means of Grace

From the June 2020 Issue
Jun 2020 Issue