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Our Enemy created the family. It is the foundation of society and essential to the church. It is the place where the next generation is molded and shaped socially and religiously. Where there are strong societies and strong churches, there are strong families. If our operatives are going to destroy the church and the world, we must fracture the family.

We have developed several strategies to achieve these ends. One of the easiest ways to begin destroying a family is to encourage parents to require from their children more than they are actually capable of executing—and to require exacting precision and detail. Every area of life should be subsumed under this canopy—sports, education, civility, obedience to parents—but especially religion. This will allow fathers to provoke their children to anger and will render the parents embarrassed and ashamed of their children. Above all, this will squeeze out that thing they call grace, and it will light a fuse that will, in due time, bring the house down.

Parents should never repent in front of their children, and they should never ask their children for forgiveness.

Parents should be taught to avoid any use of wisdom when it comes to disciplining their children and to embrace one of two extremes. The first option is for them to abandon discipline altogether. Over time, this will instill in the children a fearless boldness when interacting with their parents. The children will discover they can actually do anything they want and that they are in control of the home. This, in turn, will embitter the wife against her feckless husband.

Not all parents are wired for such a laissez-faire approach, however. Some are wound a bit more tightly. These should be nudged to the other extreme. These parents should be taught to think of discipline as a mathematical equation—if it is done right, it will work every time—and not as the shaping of a human being in their body and soul and mind and heart. Exacting conformity to the family rules and religious requirements must be enforced, and grace must never be shown. Get parents to combine unduly restrictive demands and overly harsh disciplinary means. When we have been able to convince parents to discipline in such a way, their children have invariably grown to despise their parents and even the church in which they were raised.

Make sure parents never, ever let their children know that they, too, struggle with sin. To this end, parents should never repent in front of their children, and they should never ask their children for forgiveness.

Finally, equip parents either to completely abandon religious education and catechesis or to adopt a posture of unsubmissiveness to the church’s doctrine and teaching by questioning every church teaching at every turn in front of the children. Thus, the children will either never learn the elements of their faith, or they will learn to be unsubmissive to Christian teaching. In either case, the children will eventually abandon the faith.

This is a massive undertaking we are engaged in. But remember, if we are going to destroy the church and society, we must fracture the family.

Make Marriage Miserable

Destroy Doctrine

Keep Reading A Field Guide from the Abyss

From the September 2019 Issue
Sep 2019 Issue