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If I had to pick one biblical verse to serve as a theme statement for Tabletalk, I would choose Deuteronomy 8:3: “Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” Despite the variety of topics we cover in the magazine, it is always our intention to point believers back to the only infallible authority for our faith and life — the Word of God. Every section of the magazine is concerned to help you understand and apply the Scriptures.
The importance of consistent, systematic Bible study cannot be overemphasized. By this Word, the Spirit brings us to new life (1 Peter 1:23–25), and by the
same Word He sustains us (2 Tim. 3:16–17). At the end of the day we have not done our job if you are not encouraged to dig more deeply into the Word.
For many years now we have endeavored to accomplish this goal in our daily studies. In the 400 words or so that make up the bulk of the devotional each day, we are not trying to offer new and fanciful interpretations of the biblical text; we only desire to be true to the “faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3). We know the church is not born anew in each generation, and so we rely on the work of those who have gone before us. Our historical situation may differ from theirs, but men such as Augustine, Chrysostom, Calvin, Spurgeon, and others were granted such insight into God’s Word that their words still help to reform the church today.
Semper reformanda, or “always reforming” was the motto of the Reformers because they knew the work of bringing all of life into conformity to Christ is never ending. Reading through each book of the Bible, taking its original meaning seriously, looking at other passages that illuminate a specific text, and drawing personal applications is necessary if we are to grow in the likeness of our Savior. Living coram Deo — walking before the face of God in a manner that pleases Him — is impossible without a solid foundation in the Scriptures. Each month we offer tools to help you ground yourself in God’s Word, in the hope that you will continue to study on your own.